Family vacation at Chiemsee

Animal fun with Flea, Lilly, Knuffel and Puffel


Our Chiemsee Chalet family includes four adorable residents: Knuffel and Puffel, two sugar-sweet rabbits and Floh and Lilly, two tame Shetland ponies! These four adorable chalet residents bring lots of fun, games and adventure to our idyllic “Gipfelglück 4” chalet and are a real highlight, especially for our younger visitors.

Our shetland ponies

Unsere treuen Shetlandponys Floh und Lilly freuen sich darauf, Zeit mit unseren kleinen Besuchern zu verbringen. Sie lieben es ausgeführt, gestreichelt und gestriegelt zu werden. Wer noch nicht weiß, wie genau man ein Pony striegelt, kann das bei uns lernen.

Our rabbits

Our two rabbits, Knuffel and Puffel, are very trusting and sweet as sugar, delighting young and old alike. Our guests not only have the opportunity to stroke, feed and play with them, but also to watch them hop around and have fun in their enclosure.

In addition to the animal fun, we also have a sandpit, swings and a swing barbecue for get-togethers.

Visit us at the Chiemsee Chalet and let your children discover the wonderful world of animals. Knuffel, Puffel, Floh and Lilly are already waiting for you full of anticipation! Boredom is definitely not an option here and families can feel completely at ease with us.

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